VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH is the vegan complete food with an alternative protein source. Super digestible, sustainable and healthy - Volume 2! Because we have made our bestseller a little better. The new recipe is even more digestible and tastes even better. The packaging is also 100% recyclable. All signs point to CRUNCH!
You can find more information about the new GREEN CRUNCH here .
Who's nibbling and crunching? Well, it's your dog, who eats our VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH! A high-quality vegan complete food for all adult dogs from the age of twelve months (depending on the size and breed of your dog).
Complete food means that you can feed your furry friend a complete diet with VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH - without additional feeding. VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH is the vegan food alternative.
Creating a vegan dry dog food is not something you can do alone! We worked closely with veterinarians and developed the coordinated recipe for VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH:
Lentils and peas as well as additional high-quality pea protein concentrate ensure that your dog's protein needs are met perfectly and strengthen their muscles with an optimal amino acid profile.
An extra portion of sweet potato, blueberries as a local superfood and our secret and natural umami mix with brewer's yeast are included for the irresistible taste, while the algae on top provide essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Last but not least, a plus for cuddly soft dog fur!
To ensure that no vitamins or nutrients are missing, our VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH also contains pumpkin, carrots and our special mineral mixture. It contains vitamin B12, taurine and carnitine and makes VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH a complete, complete food that is fun to nibble on.
And because our declared goal is a long, healthy relationship with your furry friend, we never use attractants, colorants or preservatives. It goes without saying that all animals have a right to live happily together, and that is why we do not conduct any animal testing.
If you want to know what is behind the logo "PETA helps Ukraine" that is printed on each bag: We are taking part in a relief effort and are donating a total of 6 tons of food to a Ukrainian animal shelter. You support this effort with every purchase!
The GREEN CRUNCH can be combined very well with our FARMER'S CRUNCH dry food and does not require a major change in food.
VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH is not suitable for puppies and lactating bitches as they have increased nutrient and energy requirements.
You can find detailed information about our ingredients and their origins under Ingredients . For more in-depth, technical questions, please visit our Nutrition ABC .
Our Ingredients
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